Archive | September 2014

Why THE GRAVEYARD BOOK Is a Great Selection for Kids


It’s written by master storyteller neil-gaiman.


It’s creepy, spooky, (of course it is; it takes place in a graveyard) and yet still heartwarming.


It won a Newbery Medal and a Carnegie Medal—it’s the only novel to win both—which means it’s officially marked as awesome by book…

Why THE GRAVEYARD BOOK Is a Great Selection for Kids

Should I read scary stories with my kids?


Quite simply, we think you absolutely should! Scary things will always be around, but reading them with your kids is a great way to share the experience.


  1. Start with the Right Story
    You may not want to start off with a super-scary story. Gradually introduce your kids to tales that…

Should I read scary stories with my kids?